About Us

BP Benefits Insurance Services, LLC, (BP Benefits) is a full service broker offering exclusive services to our customers. Our suite of products and services effectively manages group benefits, 401K plans, individual/ family and senior plans.

BP Benefits was created to provide a higher level of knowledge and skills in the shadow of changing health care reform. Some insurance companies and broker firms have been prompted to greatly scale back their customer service personnel using lesser experienced account managers.

Health Care Is Rapidly Changing And So Should Your Broker.

Insurance rules and regulations are more difficult and involved than ever before—requiring brokers with greater skill sets. Yet most brokers are interested in selling and lack the needed expertise and skills to analyze and make sense of the constantly changing regulations. We offer more. Insurance is a financial tool used to minimize the cost of health care. Given that premise, our brokers are required to have extensive experience in both finance and insurance.

Our Brokers

BP Benefits brokers are different. We are unique. We began our careers in financial and risk management. Each partner/broker has 20-plus years of industry experience providing cutting edge products, services and value to our customers. Each of us is guided by a unique insurance experience maximizing measurable business results for our clients.

Tad Brenneman, founder of Brenneman Consulting Insurance Services in 1991, was a CPA for an international firm providing audit and tax services to large insurance companies and pension funds. He was also a VP of Sales for a national insurance broker.

Mike Price was a large group underwriter for a several national health insurance companies. He analyzed the claims risk and developed the health insurance premium structure for large national accounts. He also spent 15 years with a large broker firm as senior account executive for the firm’s national accounts practice.

BP Benefits is confident in its ability to review insurance company premium assumptions and calculations and perform successful negotiations for lower premiums and richer benefits. Ask us for references.